Thursday, March 9, 2017

Suicide Attempt: Failed to Drown, Succeeded to Float

Friday, March 10, 2017 (WIB)

Suicide Attempt: Failed to Drown, Succeeded to Float

A woman of an unknown identity had tried to commit suicide by drowning herself into a river in Guangdong city, Zhongsan (27/2/2017). [See the video]

But whoever could have guessed that instead of drowning, this woman actually floats in the middle of the river. 

Experts say she failed to drown because her fat percentage in her body was too high, in an unusual term.

She was eventually saved manually, meaning that she was pulled by both of her hands up onto a boat. The manual route was used because apparently, the safety belt that was usually used for evacuation didn't fit her.

She was then taken to a hospital by an ambulance and it is still not known as to why she attempt to off her life.



Should you encounter someone who's dramatic enough to jump off a building because they want to quit life...

You: “I’m not stopping you. It’s just that if you jump, blood will splatter everywhere and it will be a huge pain in the ass to clean it up later. Besides… your body will be retrieved by the police and stripped naked.”

Whoever who want to suicide: “N-naked?!”

You: “Of course. They’ll need to perform an autopsy to investigate the cause of death and everything will be exposed. It doesn’t stop there… If you don’t die, you will remain in a vegetative state, bound to a bed, until the end of your life.”

Whoever who want to suicide: “W-What!! Are you threatening me?!”

You: “I’m just telling senpai that things won’t happen the way you expect them to.”

Direct quotes from the manga Battle Rabbit by Yuki Amemiya who also created 07-Ghost.

Today marks the day of my little sister's tenth birthday, and my golden retriever's death day after 9 years of living. I had known that he was going to die soon when he started coughing up a lot on New Year's Eve, but he managed to live till March. The news came unexpectedly, even though technically I was expecting it. But his death somehow feels worse now that I just found out that he died not because he couldn't fight to live, but because my Grandpa fed him fish.

I hate fish. Now I loathe it. (Aside from Finding Nemo/Dory)

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