Sunday, March 19, 2017

Kendeng Mountains' Farmers Protest the Construction of Cement Factory by Leg Cast Action

Sunday, March 19, 2017 (23:54 WIB)

Kendeng Mountains' Farmers Protest the Construction of Cement Factory by Leg Cast Action

Kendeng Mountains' farmers want to request time to meet with the 4th President Megawati Soekarnoputri
They want to talk about the construction of cement factory around the Kendeng Mountains. Gunarti, a farmer from Pati, Central Java, this afternoon, Saturday (18/3/2017) came to Megawati's residence in Jalan Teuku Umar, Menteng, Central Jakarta. Together with Ranti, Marsih, Parni, and other Kendeng farmers, they asked whether the letter inquiring to meet Megawati has been received. The letter was sent on February 14, 2017 last.
A week after the letter was sent, Gunarti traveled to Jakarta to deliver a letter directly to Megawati's residence. At that time, Gunarti was requested to deliver a letter to the PDI-P. However, Gunarti did not do so. He wanted to know the fate of the first letter that was sent.
Suggestions to come to the PDI-P also appeared this afternoon. They were asked to meet with the Secretary General of the PDI-P Hasto Kristiyanto. From Hasto, the desire to meet Megawati has been delivered. But they have not yet decided when it will come to it. Gunarti said that Megawati has an obligation to know the problems farmers are facing. Right now, they wish to protest the construction of the cement factory.
Friday (17/3/2017), is the fifth day of Kendeng farmers' actions of protesting and resisting the cement factory. The protest action is attended by 50 people. The previous day, 40 farmers have done the action of cementing their legs in casts first.
Last year, on October 5, 2016, the Supreme Court issued Reconsideration Decision No. 99 PK/TUN/2016 which was in favor of Kendeng farmers and revoked the Environmental and Mining Development Factory PT. Semen Indonesia Permit in Rembang regency.
Earlier on August 2, 2016 President Jokowi also received the Kendeng farmers and ordered the Presidential Staff Office with the Ministry of Environment and Forests to make a strategic environmental assessment and suspend all mining permits in Kendeng Mountains.
The strategic environmental assessment team has reached a conclusion which initially mentioned that Cakungan Groundwater White Watu Region in Kendeng is a karst area [a landscape formed from the dissolution of soluble rocks such as limestone, dolomite, and gypsum. It is characterized by underground drainage systems with sinkholes and caves] that should be protected in the environment and may not be mined.
Although there was a court decision that is legally binding and a presidential order of memoratorium permission, but on February 23, 2017 Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo re-issued environmental permits. 

This action of leg cast second volume to protest the establishment of the cement factory is done in front of the Merdeka Palace. It is carried out by a number of farmerscitizens who are members of the Network of Concerned Citizens of Kendeng Mountains (JMPPK) from Kendeng Mountains, Central Java, since Tuesday, March 14, 2017. It has attracted the attention of Vice Chairman of the House Fadli Zon.
"I followed the actions taken by the Kendeng Mountains farmers. And I regretted the statement of Minister of SOEs which states that the President will soon inaugurate a cement factory in Rembang in April next year. I think the government has hurt the public's sense of justice," said Fadli via short messages, Sunday (19/03/2017).
Fadli remembered that President Jokowi has decided to suspend operations until the completion of a cement factory till Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is carried out by an independent team. This was done when the action of the foot cast which was first performed in April 2016, which then led to an invitation to the Palace on August 2, 2016. The study is expected to be completed within one year.
"It's a positive decision, given the litigants with PT Semen Indonesia. In a way, the results of the SEA can be completed by April 2017. So, would not take a year to get settled," said Fadli.
Surprisingly, said the Gerindra (Great Indonesia Movement Party) politician, the Minister of State Enterprises seems to have been aware of the results that indicates that next month the President will soon inaugurate a cement factory in Rembang. While the results of the SEA hasn't gotten out yet.
"This could provoke mistrust of the government," said Fadli.
Moreover, on October 5, 2016, Fadli said, passing the Verdict Review (a.k.a. Peninjauan Kembali/PK), the Supreme Court (a.k.a. Mahkamah Agung) has ruled in favor of farmers of Apex and Foundation Forum for Environment (WALHI), which also canceled the environmental clearance of the cement factory in Rembang.
"The SOE Minister's statement had hurt Kendeng public's sense of justice," Fadli said.
Fadli asked the President to be cautious about taking decisions. Do not damage the principle of legal certainty by taking decisions that are not in sync with each other, let alone which is against the law. "Legal rights and social rights of people must be properly addressed. Do not let our law to be contrary to justice," said Fadli.
Looking ahead, Fadli asked any form of investment should no longer violate procedures and rules, as it will lead to controversy and conflict in society. Fadli requested the Government not to be 'minded investors' and underestimate the voice and rights of the community in the development process.
"The leg cast action is a form of frustration, because people no longer know how to draw the government's attention. Do not let the government be blind and deaf to ignore the voice and rights of farming communities of Kendeng in the name of development, "said Fadli.

Historical Events on this Day!

March 19, 2011: The moon appears 30% brighter and 14% larger than its furthest point; it reaches its closest point to Earth since 1993.

March 19, 1997: Supreme Court hears Internet indecency arguments.

March 19, 1977: France performs nuclear test on Muruora Island.

March 19, 1965: Indonesia nationalises all foreign oil companies.

March 19, 1958: Britain's 1st planetarium opens at Madame Tussaud's in London.

March 19, 1918: S. Potter becomes 1st U.S. pilot to shoot down a German seaplane.

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Kendeng Mountains' Farmers Protest the Construction of Cement Factory by Leg Cast Action

Sunday, March 19, 2017 (23:54 WIB) Kendeng Mountains' Farmers Protest the Construction of Cement Factory by Leg Cast Action ...