Sunday, March 12, 2017

To Prevent Foreign Claim, President Joko Widodo Established 111 Minor Outlying Islands of Indonesia

Saturday, March 11, 2017 (20:58 WIB)

To Prevent Foreign Claim, President Joko Widodo Established 111 Minor Outlying Islands of Indonesia

President Joko Widodo established 111 minor islands as the outlying islands of Indonesia. These minor outlying islands are located in 22 provinces, and mostly came from the Riau provincewhich amounted to 23 minor outlying islands. It was established in the Presidential Decree No. 6 year 2017 that President Joko Widodo signed in the second of March, 2017As quoted from the official website of the Cabinet Secretariat.

This is based on the consideration of Government Regulation (PP) No. 38 of 2002 on List Baselines of Indonesia as amended by Regulation No. 37 Year 2008 that has changes of the number of minor outlying islands of Indonesia.
Previously, according to the Presidential Decree No. 78 year 2005 on the Management of Minor Outlying Islands, the small outlying islands of Indonesia amounted to only 92 islands. You can read what this decree has established in this link.
The Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Susi Pudjiastuti said that adding those outlying islands of Indonesia has a goal of national importance. 
"The establishment of these islands is to prevent the issue of occupational or claim ownership of the island by citizens of other countries," she said in a press statement, Jakarta, Saturday (11/04/2017).
They will oversee the 111 islands from any illegal activity. For example, drug smuggling, slavery, or illegal fishing. In addition, she hopes that the natural resources of the 111 minor outlying islands can be utilized for the benefit of the government and society around.
With the issuance of Presidential Decree No. 6 year 2017, the Presidential Regulation No. 78 year 2005 Article 1 paragraph (2) of the Management of Minor Outlying islands is revoked and declared invalid.


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